Interview with Olivier Cousin

"We only live once, if you want something you have to work on it now"

Olivier Cousin: a hard-working bon vivant

46-year-old Olivier Cousin came to Inksane for a tattoo on his back symbolizing "the story of his life." That wish could be fulfilled by our international guest artist Roman Vainer, who specializes in realism. Olivier has already 10 years of a relationship with the apple of his eye. They sealed their love by getting married. Together with his own children and his wife's children, they form a stuffed brood. Olivier is a busy bee who can never sit still. Work is in his blood. After all, he is a self-employed horticulturist. With his green thumb, he transforms his customers' gardens into a paradise. Even in his spare time, Olivier enjoys spending time in nature. He occasionally goes fishing and is also a real world traveler. 

A West Flemish home

As a 14-year-old French child, Olivier emigrated to Poperinge, West Flanders. Since then, he has lived here all his life. While growing up, he discovered that the typical West Flemish mentality of "little house, little garden, little child" did not really fit his picture. Although he loves his wife and children dearly, the introduction revealed that he also harbors a love for traveling the world. Going on a trip is not always so obvious. He is living proof that you have to work very hard if you want to achieve something. "You have to be able to live, but that requires something in return."

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"Costa Rica, the cleanest thing I've seen in my life."

As of its 25ste the airplane became Olivier's favorite mode of transportation, and he hasn't stopped since. "You could call it a bit of an addiction," he laughed. So he encourages his daughter to follow in his footsteps and leave our little country of Belgium behind once in a while. Olivier has already seen a lot in his life. Countries like Bali, Costa Rica, Thailand, Mexico and Kenya could already be ticked off his bucket list. To be specific, there is one country that sticks with him the most: Costa Rica. "The cleanest thing I've seen in all my life. It's nature that does it. You really live "la vida pura" there. His life motto is not for nothing "you only live once". Olivier therefore plans to book a last-minute trip in September. The destination is currently unknown, but that's just the fun part of traveling. You can end up in places you never thought existed.

Difficult period in his life

Despite the joy of traveling, Olivier has also known his stumbling blocks. "Getting older allows me to better put a difficult period in my life into perspective and give it a place." And what could be better than having your life experience tattooed on your back? "I can put a stop to the negativity from now on and only look forward." The tattoo is a map showing the road Olivier has walked and what makes him the person he is today. Exact details of his walk remain a mystery. "The tattoo expresses what I have already experienced. It is the story of my life". It wasn't a decision made overnight, by the way. He had been walking around with the idea for no less than 15 years.

Choices for shops

The tattoo Olivier wanted to do has a great emotional charge. That's why he didn't want to contact just anyone to get the job done. Olivier has already had tattoos done at Inksane in the past. Therefore, he chose to do some research with us again and stop by the counter. "You can get tattoos anywhere. But after all, it's on your body so you have to choose a place where it's okay." At the front desk, they told him that Roman Vainer was the ideal match for him, but that it would take a while to complete the tattoo. At the time of the interview, it was Olivier's 6the session. He has 4 more to go

Response from environment

Those around him are completely enamored with his tattoos. In fact, his wife was also tattooed by Vainer. "With her, though, it's a little more feminine with flowers. I was looking for a different style." Besides his wife, other members of the family are not shy of tattoos either. "My stepson would love one too, but I always tell him to think very carefully before he gets started."

Contacting Vainer

"I was looking for the specific artist who could give me what I wanted. When I saw Roman Vainer's works through Inksane, I was completely sold". Olivier did not have to consider any other shops or artists at all. Besides, Vainer's design completely met his expectations. He and the artist also understood each other well. "He told me that a tattoo with a story is the most beautiful thing you can do. I couldn't describe it any better". Creating that bond of trust already put Olivier more at ease during the sessions.

Roman Vainer aan het werk

About Roman Vainer

Roman Vainer is a Russian guest artist with whom you can book regular appointments through Inksane. Please note that places are limited! 'Vainer' is music to the ears of our clients, which is why he is often fully booked. He specializes especially in a realistic tattoo style. Consequently, he has already tattooed numerous portraits, such as Harley Quinn, The Joker and Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky. It is exactly the reflection of a mirror on your skin. Vainer is not only active in Inksane, as he also has his own tattoo - and barber shop in Russia. In addition, he and his wife Kate Vainer (who, by the way, is also a top tattoo artist) have a beautiful little son named Robert.

Why is Inksane the go-to for a successful tattoo?

They are all very friendly people here. They maintain good contact and everything goes smoothly and clearly. It's not the first time I've come and each time I go home with a positive experience!

Client: Olivier Cousin
Artist: Roman Vainer
Roman Vainer

Do you also want a tattoo that symbolizes the story of your life? Get in touch with Inksane


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