Interview with Tanicha Janssens

"I live today as if I won't be here tomorrow."

Meet: Tanicha

Good-humored Tanicha Janssens had a mandala tattooed on her leg in geometric style. The tattoo fills the space between her other two tattoos. This creates a beautiful whole. Tanicha is 22 and is studying nursing. She almost graduated from the college in Ostend. After 3 years of education, she is ready to enter the work field with the well-deserved title of nurse. Besides studying, she enjoys student life by occasionally stepping out into the world with her friends. She dances the night away and has a great time. "I'm young, it's now that I have to do it." In addition to her party side, she is an athletic gal who often goes to the gym. She is also musically inclined and has mastered the art of drumming. A busy bee in other words.

Taking every opportunity that comes your way

Tanicha lives by the life motto "I live like I won't be here tomorrow." She has an impulsive side that puts her over the top to do the things she feels good about. "If I drop dead tomorrow, at least I did it." She never regrets her adventures. It would otherwise be a missed opportunity in her eyes. She likes to recount her escapades to others who listen with pricked ears. Although her parents advise her to save a little more, Tanicha lives a happy life in her own way.

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Always been a fan of tattoos

Those around her know Tanicha as a true tattoo fanatic. "Tanicha, that is simply tattoos. She is constantly working on them and often discovers designs online that fit her own style. For example, she likes to save her "inspopics" that she digs up on social media, such as on Instagram and Pinterest. "If I like it, I just have to have it." Although she always wanted tattoos, her parents made her wait until she turned 17. "For me, tattoos have never been a barrier," Tanicha said. Her tattoos don't really have a specific meaning. She loves the designs and wanted to join the "tattoo community" herself. Her daddy also has many tattoos that he, like his daughter, had done at Inksane. He was therefore the person who advised her to take the step up to us.

Tattoo van Tanicha

Not caring what others say

It is a matter of course for Tanicha's environment that tattoos are a part of her personality. "Since I knew from the cradle that I wanted tattoos, my environment understands how I am put together and what my dreams are." Consequently, her self-confidence makes her disregard negative comments. "I am who I am and others just have to accept that. It's my body so I decide what goes on it". Still, at her internship as a nurse, she sometimes gets comments about the tattoos on her hands, which she had done later in life. "Why did you do that?" they then ask. "Because I think it's beautiful," she replies kindly but firmly. "I understand that older people can sometimes be startled by a girl who has a lot of tattoos," she laughs. But the moment she shows her cheerful self, she breaks through the negative stereotypes sometimes associated with people with tattoos.

Impressed by socials

When Tanicha wanted to get her first tattoo, she searched for a shop that met her expectations. "My dad recommended Inksane. He is very happy with his tattoos and advised me to come here as well." Her father's enthusiasm made Tanicha curious about what Inksane has to offer. So she scrolled on our social media to learn about our artists and previously created works. She found the designs very cool and was immediately convinced. "I didn't need to look at other shops anymore". Through email she made the first contact. In the meantime, she has already had several tattoos done at Inksane. She has only one tattoo that was not done with us. This time she had wanted a tattoo that would fill the empty space between her two other tattoos. "Everything was explained very well right away and I knew what to expect."

The confidence in Glenn's hands

When Tanicha visited Inksane for the tattoo, Glenn was recommended to her as the cut artist for what she was looking for. One of the tattoos she wanted to fill the space between was done by Glenn himself. The other by Kimberly, who now no longer works at Inksane. At first she was unsure if Glenn was quite right for the style she had in mind. "Glenn often sets very dark works, which is exactly what I didn't want." She was afraid the design he suggested would turn out too dark on her skin. He reassured her and told her that a tattoo is at its darkest when it is just being done. After that, it lightens up a bit and is no longer as dark. Glenn's talent and expertise won her over to put her trust in his hands anyway. She believed in him.

Mutual understanding

"During the setting itself, I had asked Glenn several times to really not darken the tattoo. Getting a tattoo is sometimes an anxious process because, after all, it's on your body forever. Yet no question was too much. I was in some pain but each time Glenn asked me if I was comfortable. "If I wanted to take a break, I just had to ask." Glenn handled Tanicha's body very gently and took her feedback into consideration. Therefore, they also stayed on the same wavelength and understood each other well. She trusted him so much that she had his own touch incorporated into the tattoo. Now the tattoo is not yet complete, but she already likes the result in the meantime.

What will the future bring?

"In the future, I want more tattoos anyway!". Tanicha dreams of getting a sleeve done. However, she is still in doubt whether she will have only her one arm, or both arms done. However, she does not want to fill up her whole body. "For example, not in my neck. I work in healthcare and wouldn't want to draw too much attention to it." So that's why she started with her leg.

Why is Inksane the go-to for a successful tattoo?

Especially the Instagram page creates a very good impression. When people ask where I get my tattoos done, I share the Instagram and they are always impressed. By the way, there are a lot of artists with different specializations so there is a lid for every pot. Something for everyone!

Client: Tanicha Janssens
Artist: Glenn Cornelis

Do you also want a meaningful tattoo that refers to an unforgettable period in your life? Get in touch with Inksane


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